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The MAS project wouldn't be possible without the kind help and use of other honorable developers' tools and scripts. I would like to say thanks to all those wonderful people and projects.

Activation Methods Contributions

Activation MethodsContributors
HWIDasdcorp - Original HWID method, Reinvented HWID after free upgrade block, GamersOsState, Integrated_Patcher
May - Universal Ticket for HWID
vyvojar - slshim (Not in use anymore)
sponpa, leitek8 - slc.dll Improvements (Not in use anymore)
TSforgeCore Research and Development
WitherOrNot - Lead tool development, reverse engineering, testing
asdcorp - Initial demonstrations, reverse engineering, tool development, testing
abbodi1406 - Reverse engineering, development, testing
Lyssa - Reverse engineering, tool development, testing

Other Contributions
SpCreatePackaedLicense - Tool development, testing
May - Code formatting, build setup

Special Thanks
BetaWiki - Documenting beta builds used for reverse engineering
Rairii - Assistance with initial reverse engineering efforts
KMS38asdcorp - Original KMS38 method
May - Universal Ticket for KMS38
Online KMSWindowsAddict - Forked abbodi1406's KMS_VL_ALL

MDL Forums - The home of KMS emulators
Hotbird64 - The resourceful vlmcsd tool, and KMSEmulator source development


asdcorp[HWID/KMS38] [Reinvented HWID after free upgrade block] [TSforge] [GamersOsState] [Integrated_Patcher] [Rearm] [Set-WindowsCbsEdition] [clic] [RE and tool development] [Branding materials] [Great help]
WitherOrNot[TSforge] [winkeycheck] [Keyhole] [warbird-docs] [RE and tool development]
abbodi1406[TSforge] [CAS] [KMS_VL_ALL (Online KMS is a fork of it)] [RE and tool development] [Enormous help and problem solving]
awuctl[hwid-stuff] [licensing-stuff] [info] [MVS Dump] [RE and tool development] (Currently retired)
Lyssa[Official mascot] [TSforge] [RE and tool development]
SpCreatePackaedLicense[Keyhole] [RE and tool development]
May[Universal Ticket for HWID/KMS38] [DISM Api method to change Windows edition] [CleanOffice.ps1] [Keyhole] [RE and tool development] [Great help]
WindowsAddictMAS Author

Other Contributions

EnthousiastISO uploads
BetaWikiDocumenting beta builds used for reverse engineering
MDL ForumsHelpful resources

And thanks to the MAS users for their interest, feedback, and assistance. ❤️